I've spent most of my life playing golf.
The rest of it I just wasted.

Locality - Florida


Hole Rankings

Par 3

Par 4

Par 5

1) Streamsong (Blue)  - #7
2) Streamsong (Red)  - #16
3) Streamsong (Red)  - #6
4) World Woods (Pine Barrens)  - #16
5) Orange County National (Panther Lake)  - #4
6) World Woods (Rolling Oaks)  - #8
7) Streamsong (Black)  - #17
8) Orange County National (Crooked Cat)  - #13
9) Orange County National (Panther Lake)  - #15
10) Streamsong (Red)  - #14
1) World Woods (Pine Barrens)  - #15
2) Waldorf Astoria Golf Club  - #15
3) Waldorf Astoria Golf Club  - #13
4) Orange County National (Crooked Cat)  - #12
5) The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club - Grande Lakes  - #16
6) Streamsong (Red)  - #1
7) Streamsong (Red)  - #3
8) Orange County National (Crooked Cat)  - #9
9) The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club - Grande Lakes  - #2
10) Orange County National (Panther Lake)  - #3
1) World Woods (Pine Barrens)  - #14
2) Streamsong (Black)  - #18
3) The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club - Grande Lakes  - #18
4) Streamsong (Black)  - #4
5) Waldorf Astoria Golf Club  - #8
6) World Woods (Pine Barrens)  - #4
7) Streamsong (Red)  - #7
8) The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club - Grande Lakes  - #14
9) The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club - Grande Lakes  - #5
10) Streamsong (Black)  - #12

Dream 18

Front Nine

1) Streamsong (Red)  - #1
2) The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club - Grande Lakes  - #2
3) Streamsong (Red)  - #3
4) Streamsong (Black)  - #4
5) The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club - Grande Lakes  - #5
6) Streamsong (Red)  - #6
7) Streamsong (Blue)  - #7
8) Waldorf Astoria Golf Club  - #8
9) Orange County National (Crooked Cat)  - #9

Back Nine

10) Streamsong (Black)  - #10
11) Southern Dunes Golf & Country Club  - #11
12) Orange County National (Crooked Cat)  - #12
13) Waldorf Astoria Golf Club  - #13
14) World Woods (Pine Barrens)  - #14
15) World Woods (Pine Barrens)  - #15
16) Streamsong (Red)  - #16
17) Streamsong (Black)  - #17
18) Streamsong (Black)  - #18