I've spent most of my life playing golf.
The rest of it I just wasted.

State/Province - Idaho



Avondale Golf Course
Bigwood Golf Course
Blue Lakes Country Club
Boise Ranch Golf Course
Bryden Canyon Golf Course
Canyon Springs Golf Course
CDA National Reserve
Circling Raven
Coeur d'Alene Golf Club
Coeur d'Alene Resort
Crane Creek Country Club
Falcon Crest (Championship)
Falcon Crest (Freedom)
Falcon Crest (Robin Hood)
Galena Ridge Golf Course
Gozzer Ranch Golf & Lake Club
Hayden Lake Country Club
Headwaters Golf Club
Hillcrest Country Club
Indian Lakes Golf Club
Jefferson Hills Golf Course
Jug Mountain Ranch
Lewiston Golf & Country Club
McCall Golf Club
MeadowCreek Golf Resort
Mirror Lake Golf Course
Osprey Meadows at Tamarack
Pinecrest Golf Course
Prairie Falls
Priest Lake Golf Club
Quail Hollow
Red Hawk Golf Course
Ridgecrest (Championship)
Ridgecrest (Executive)
Rimrock Golf Course
River Birch Golf Course
Sage Lakes Golf Course
Sand Creek Golf Course
Shadow Valley Golf Course
Shoshone Country Club
Stoneridge Golf Club
Sun Valley (Elkhorn)
Sun Valley (Trail Creek)
Sun Valley (White Clouds)
Teton Lakes Golf Course
Teton Reserve
The Golf Club At Black Rock
The Highlands
The Idaho Club
The Links
The Links At Teton Peaks
The Valley Club
TimberStone Golf Course
Tributary Golf Course
Twin Lakes Village Golf Club
University of Idaho Golf Course
Whitetail Golf Course

Hole Rankings

Par 3

Par 4

Par 5

1) Coeur d'Alene Resort  - #14
2) Falcon Crest (Championship)  - #10
3) The Idaho Club  - #7
4) The Idaho Club  - #4
5) Osprey Meadows at Tamarack  - #3
6) Quail Hollow  - #17
7) Circling Raven  - #13
8) Sun Valley (White Clouds)  - #7
9) Galena Ridge Golf Course  - #2
10) Circling Raven  - #3
11) Coeur d'Alene Resort  - #5
12) Sun Valley (Trail Creek)  - #6
13) Ridgecrest (Championship)  - #12
14) Falcon Crest (Championship)  - #5
15) Circling Raven  - #16
16) The Highlands  - #6
17) TimberStone Golf Course  - #8
18) Quail Hollow  - #2
19) Ridgecrest (Championship)  - #16
20) CDA National Reserve  - #2
1) Coeur d'Alene Resort  - #13
2) Sun Valley (Trail Creek)  - #8
3) Falcon Crest (Championship)  - #18
4) Jug Mountain Ranch  - #12
5) Jug Mountain Ranch  - #17
6) Galena Ridge Golf Course  - #4
7) Circling Raven  - #11
8) Galena Ridge Golf Course  - #6
9) Osprey Meadows at Tamarack  - #16
10) Circling Raven  - #4
11) The Idaho Club  - #6
12) Ridgecrest (Championship)  - #15
13) The Idaho Club  - #17
14) Jug Mountain Ranch  - #18
15) Sun Valley (Trail Creek)  - #7
16) Sun Valley (White Clouds)  - #3
17) MeadowCreek Golf Resort  - #10
18) Banbury  - #17
19) Circling Raven  - #10
20) Banbury  - #9
1) Sun Valley (White Clouds)  - #5
2) Sun Valley (White Clouds)  - #4
3) Osprey Meadows at Tamarack  - #4
4) The Idaho Club  - #9
5) CDA National Reserve  - #15
6) Osprey Meadows at Tamarack  - #12
7) Lewiston Golf & Country Club  - #13
8) Galena Ridge Golf Course  - #3
9) Falcon Crest (Championship)  - #16
10) Banbury  - #18
11) Jug Mountain Ranch  - #16
12) Circling Raven  - #12
13) Ridgecrest (Championship)  - #4
14) The Idaho Club  - #10
15) The Idaho Club  - #5
16) Coeur d'Alene Resort  - #11
17) Prairie Falls  - #9
18) MeadowCreek Golf Resort  - #15
19) CDA National Reserve  - #4
20) Falcon Crest (Championship)  - #6

Dream 18

Front Nine

1) The Highlands  - #1
2) Galena Ridge Golf Course  - #2
3) Osprey Meadows at Tamarack  - #3
4) Sun Valley (White Clouds)  - #4
5) Sun Valley (White Clouds)  - #5
6) Galena Ridge Golf Course  - #6
7) The Idaho Club  - #7
8) Sun Valley (Trail Creek)  - #8
9) The Idaho Club  - #9

Back Nine

10) Falcon Crest (Championship)  - #10
11) Circling Raven  - #11
12) Jug Mountain Ranch  - #12
13) Coeur d'Alene Resort  - #13
14) Coeur d'Alene Resort  - #14
15) CDA National Reserve  - #15
16) Osprey Meadows at Tamarack  - #16
17) Jug Mountain Ranch  - #17
18) Falcon Crest (Championship)  - #18